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Consciousness, Truth and Creating Your Own TimelineThere are as many truths as there are consciousnesses to have a truth. Every single rock, person, animal, and tree has consciousness, and therefore has a truth. All are valid. How can this be? How can every single truth be true?
The answer is timelines. Each and every consciousness has a timeline that they are on, through their own creation and which they create every day. There are collective consciousnesses that create collective timelines, and we are also experiencing those to the degree of our choosing. A collective consciousness is a group of individual consciousnesses that agree on many of the same things. Because there is agreement, the beliefs are manifest into reality that the collective consciousness experiences as real and true. For example, there are a great many people that believe that some species of animal are in danger of extinction and need to be “saved.” This collective of people create a collective consciousness (agreement that some thought is true), and in believing this they will create and manifest evidence that this is indeed true; that there are certain animals that are in danger of becoming extinct. The more evidence they manifest, the more the belief becomes true for them, and it is a cycle of manifestation that continues as long as there is a collective of individuals believing this to be true. Now, what if an individual steps out of this truth for a minute? What if they see that there are in fact, many animals that are believed to be going extinct (like the red squirrel), but in fact, this person realized that the red squirrel is not dying out, but becoming blended with the gray squirrel, and therefore scientifically speaking, is adapting to their new environments because gray is more camouflage than red and therefore more protective (see Darwin on adaptation). This person then starts questioning the collective belief, and begins to see MORE evidence that maybe these animals are not going extinct, but rather they may be adapting to the human presence on Earth, moving around to better places for them, and possibly even thriving! What a revelation! This individual will probably move away from the collective that believes animals are going extinct, and into another collective belief system which supports that individual’s growth and understanding of the world. This is how we grow physically, mentally, and spiritually on the Earth plane. Once someone steps out of a collective consciousness, they step onto another timeline. This is a HUGE topic, so please bear with me. Now let’s talk about personal timelines from the viewpoint of Russian Nesting Dolls. The collective timelines for my example are the outer most dolls. Our participation in collective consciousness is a result of our outer nesting doll, but is not the CORE nesting doll which sets up the reality of the whole experience (all the nesting dolls and how they set up the timeline that you experience in each NOW moment). If you’re still with me, then I will go onto how to set up the timeline you wish for. The inner most nesting doll is the core of you. And your “core beliefs” effect every other consciousness (truth) that you will choose to be a part of. This core has only two consciousness choices in this present moment of life on Earth. The first choice is unity consciousness. Briefly, this means that you understand and believe, as your truth, that we and everything around us are all One, and aspects of Source (God, Allah, Great Spirit, Creator, whatever name you wish to use). As we are all ONE, in this belief, we are all interconnected, infinite beings of infinite power to create our reality in any way that we wish. “God” chose to do this, to create many, many aspects of itself (each one of us), to explore every possible experience of itself through our experiences. In this play of consciousness, there is free will, and all choices are allowed because all experiences eventually lead each aspect of God to remembering that we are all love. Experience and knowing are two different things until paired together (which then alchemizes into wisdom). The second choice of our innermost being is to see and believe that we are all separate from one another, not connected at all. In this consciousness, we experience life as a series of actions and events that are “right” and “wrong,” “good” and “bad,” etc. Belief in separation allows us to think that whatever we do, it only affects the individual (the one doing the action). Now there are many “steps” in between unity consciousness and separation consciousness that we could call a spectrum, of where we go from belief in separation to knowing unity. I started this to tell you about choosing a timeline, and this is why I started talking about your inner core choice, unity or separation. Once you decide what you wish to believe in the core, then this effects every timeline you will create in each NOW moment of your reality. You may also have another thought or belief (realization) that totally shifts your timeline, and when that happens it is so fast that you don’t even really notice it other than you feel much differently than the moment before. A “eureka” moment, if you will. But YOU are creating that. And in this time of Earth’s evolution, which on the outside looks chaotic and crumbling, it is more important than ever to choose your highest thoughts about literally everything in your life. Your thoughts and beliefs create the timeline that you experience. And there are infinite possible timelines. Another example. If I chose to believe that everyone around me is “out to get me”…my family, my boss, the government, etc., then the timeline I will experience will include manifestations of the people all around me trying to get me! My belief in being a victim actually creates those manifestations! And, the second I stop believing it is the second I move to a higher timeline where my new beliefs begin to manifest. This is why all truths are true, and there are groups of people who hold the same truths. We always have the choice to see a different truth at any second in time. It only takes the willingness to be open to seeing other possibilities. Maybe my family, my boss, and the government saw me being self-destructive, and wanted the best for me and so they did various interventions which I didn’t like but were intended for my ultimate good! See? One change in thought/belief changes you from victim to being supported by those who care for you. So in final, I will say that if you are happy with every aspect of your life, keep manifesting the timeline you are on and be grateful for all. If there is anything you wish to see manifested in your life that you currently do not experience, then look at your beliefs about it, and see how you can change your thoughts/beliefs. This will help you to get onto a higher timeline. Your truth is uniquely your own, is true, and will manifest evidence of being so. I’m working to hold the highest truth about myself, my loved ones, the Earth, and everything else in this reality in order to create and experience my highest possible timeline. And this I wish for everyone. With love, Sue
SUe BeckleyCovering topics in spirituality, healing, and reaching your highest potential. Archives
October 2023